How to Play Basketball Blog-The Midline

How to Play Basketball Blog- The Midline

When it comes to team defense there is no principle more important than getting to the midline.  There are so many reasons that the midline is important but first I want to be sure you know what I am talking about.  If you drew a line from the front of one rim to the front of the other rim you would have a midline.  Here is an example (If you click on the picture it will make it larger):


The concept is really easy.  If the person you are guarding does not have the ball then you should see both.  Meaning you should be able to see the player you are guarding and whoever has the ball too.  If the ball and the player you are guarding are on the same side (ball side) then you should be in between your player and the ball.  Something like this (If you click on the picture it will make it larger):

Now if the person you are guarding does not have the ball and they are on the opposite side of the midline from the ball (the weak side) then you should be on the midline.  When you are on the midline you want to be able to have your back to the baseline and always be a little below the person you are guarding.  You have to be able to see them and the ball without moving your head.  Here is an example (If you click on the picture it will make it larger):

If you are on the midline you will be in great position to help on a drive if your teammate gets beat off the dribble.  You can also get back to your player easily if you are keeping an eye on them as well as the ball.  Now this takes a lot of work.  You have to be willing to focus mentally on 2 things at once.  If you cannot do that then you are going to struggle with team defense.  If you can do it though your coach will love you and you will learn to be a great team defender.

Learn about the other 4 areas of defense you can improve by ordering a copy of the book here How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better By Playing Pick-up Games


You are your only opponent

Coach Wilkins

Coach/Owner of Hoops Education

Former D1 Player/Former AAU Coach/Former HS Coach

Author of How to Play Basketball: A Guide to Getting Better By Playing Pick-up Games


P.S. Make sure you follow us on twitter @HoopsEducation

About Thomas Wilkins 76 Articles
I am passionate about living T.he S.marter W.ay which to me means having the freedom to live life as you see fit and simultaneously improving your community. I also love basketball, Go Heels! If it has to do with small business & entrepreneurship you can count me in. I'm married to the love of my life and we are dedicated to making memorable moments together. In general I am truly blessed!


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